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SAN Growth Partners

Be a trusted growth partner to startups by offering your services and gain exclusive access to potential clients!

Service Bell

At SAN, we understand that startups need the right service providers to succeed in today's competitive business landscape. That's why we have launched the SAN Growth Partners program - a curated list of hand-picked service providers who are committed to helping startups grow.

What is SAN Growth Partners?

SAN Growth Partners is a subscription-based program that provides service providers with exclusive access to a select group of startups. As a growth partner, your services will be promoted in all our communications and prominently displayed on our website. This gives you exclusive access to startups when a requirement arises.

Our program is designed to ensure that startups get access to only the best service providers in each category. Each category of service will have only one growth partner, so you can be sure that you will have exclusive access to potential clients in your category.


How Does It Work?

Our process is simple and straightforward. First, we identify the best service providers in each category through a rigorous selection process. Once we have identified a preferred partner in a category, no other service provider will be allowed in the same category.

Once a startup becomes part of our networks, they can access our list of preferred partners and choose the one that best fits their needs. Our team will also assist startups in finding the right partner for their business.


Subscription-Based Program

SAN Growth Partners is a subscription-based program, and service providers have to renew their subscription every year. This ensures that we always have the most up-to-date and committed partners for our startups.

While we do not guarantee business under this program, we will do our best to create reach in the startup community. Our goal is to provide startups with access to the best service providers in each category, and we are committed to making that happen.


Categories of Service

Our program covers a wide range of categories, including legal, accounting, marketing, and more. Each category will have only one preferred partner, so you can be sure that you will have exclusive access to potential clients in your category.


Become a SAN Growth Partner Today

If you are a service provider looking to showcase your services to startups and gain exclusive access to potential clients, SAN Growth Partners is the program for you. With our hand-picked partners, you can be sure that you are competing with the best service providers in your category. Become a Growth partner today and take the first step towards expanding your client base!

Click the link below and fill the form to apply to SAN Growth Partners program.

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